About us

We partner with organizations to create Environmental, Energy, Health, and Safety Programs that change their operations in a positive way.

Who we are & what we do

With over 2 decades of experience creating and improving Environmental, Health, and Safety Programs, New Leaf EHS Founder Trevor Kruger decided he wanted to bring his approach to EHS to the masses. 

A quality EHS program has been shown to improve a company’s culture while enhancing your bottom line.  We at New Leaf EHS firmly believe this and created the “WISE Program” as an affordable way to ensure every company has the expertise to make a positive change.

2000 - EHS Management

We began our journey

2014 - Expanded Program

Evaluated the W.I.S.E. Program with customers

2020 - Expanded the team

EHS Consultants join the team

2022 - Launched New Leaf EHS

Launched the business and new web site

Years of experience
0 +
Brilliant specialists
Cases in portfolio
0 +

Let's have a chat! Let us know how we can serve you or inquire about our free audits.