W.I.S.E. Program
Our proprietary “pay for performance contract” – No money down, free evaluation – we only get paid when we save you money!
Who we are & what we do
• Waste – New Leaf EHS is confident they can decrease waste spending while reducing waste and increasing recycling rates. Let us take a look beyond compliance and improve efficiencies as well!
• Insurance and Safety – New Leaf EHS has noticed that most organizations do not utilize the strength of their safety programs when looking for Workers’ Compensation, Property, or Liability Insurance. Let us review how to enhance your safety program and reduce your insurance costs!
• Energy -Simply by tracking energy and increasing awareness, energy spending and consumption will decrease. The old adage of “you can’t manage what you don’t measure” is applicable in Energy Management. Let New Leaf EHS review your Energy Management programs using their W.I.S.E. approach and see where we can add valuable savings.
FREE Audit!